Robert Clarke is a software engineer at bp. He graduated with First Class Honours in Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence from The University of Nottingham. While also studying at Sixth Form, he taught simple electronics and programming to children in Cambodia and in the UK. He has also completed a number of electronics projects in the past using Arduino, Raspberry Pi and more. He loves to be walking, camping, or mountain biking.
In the summer of 2019 I completed Wainwright's Coast to Coast with three friends. It's 192 miles long, and took us twelve days. We stayed in tents up mountains and in fields, and stayed in hotels twice. We raised more than £800 for Alzheimer's Society, plus Gift Aid, taking it over £900 altogether.
In 2018 I taught English, electronics and programming to deprived children in Cambodia. We also constructed a dining hall, so that they could have somewhere sheltered to eat. Using the Crumble microcontroller, we taught them how to build and program colour-changing LED projects, motorised buggies, and even an automatic water tank filling system.

I have a passion for coffee, espresso-based drinks in particular. I enjoy practising latte art and fine tuning my shots of espresso. And of course I love to drink it!

I have a passion for coffee, espresso-based drinks in particular. I enjoy practising latte art and fine tuning my shots of espresso. And of course I love to drink it!


For the duration of Summer 2022 I worked as a software engineering intern at bp. I built a Digital Ethics Impact Assessment application - utilising web development techniques and citizen development tools. I applied my database experience to create what will be a widely used tool throughout the company. During the internship I successfully gained a graduate offer as a software engineer.
I was a technical support assistant for the computer science department whilst studying at The University of Nottingham. I maintained servers, set up and managed virtual machines - where I installed asset management software for the department. I also provided staff and PhD students with hardware, and dealt with support queries.
During the summer of 2021 I worked as a full stack development intern for the Synthetic Biology Research Centre, part of The University of Nottingham. I created an expandable modular plasmid generator system, involving the design and development of a relational database, DNA generation scripts, and a WordPress plugin and block.

In 2015 I started employment at an egg farm. While working there, I learnt that I am very good at catching escapees. I also became quite proficient at picking up five eggs in each hand.